Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Celtic Torc

The Celtic Torc, often dated back to the Bronze Age or the Iron Age, was a symbolization of Celtic power and strength. The thickness of the Torc represented ones role in society, or better yet, level in the class system. The torc itself Is a thick, often gold, silver, or bronze ring made by twisting the strands of the metals into a large open ended ring. It was worn around the neck, and often used as a reward to Celtic Warriors for their valiant deeds and accomplishments. There are several famous artworks where the Torc was displayed, such as "The Dying Gaul"(a dying naked celtic warrior wearing a torc), there are also several paintings of Celtic Gods/Goddesses wearing Torcs as a symbol of power and divinity. As Christianity was later on introduced to the Celts, the Torc became more of a relic. A golden torc once owned by Saint Cynog was described as a potent relic where "no one would dare to break a promise which he had made when it was held in front of him. On the torque there is the mark of a mighty blow, as if someone had hit it with an iron hammer. A certain man, or so they say, tried to break the collar, for the sake of the gold. He was punished by God, for he immediately lost the sight of both eyes. To his life’s end he lingered on in darkness."

So what does a rusty old necklace from some era in the B.C.'s have to do with modern pop culture? Well, in today's culture we also have several symbols of society, and our place in society. Such as a Cross for Christians, gang tattoos, and working class labels such as "Blue Collar" Vs. "White Collar"

Even in the Media there are things that represent certain groups in our culture. Like the color pink for women, Blue for men. The American flag lapel pin for the president and other government officials.

Well, there was no actual point behind this blog other than to impart some historical knowledge on my readers. And show that some things from the past never die. Happy St. Patrick's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn’t it be exciting, girl, to have loads of guys all waiting to serve you? Imagine… twenty-one, handsome, muscular guys, all on a bed, their ages range from 17 to 21, looking forward to serving you for as long as five weeks. I will be a part of them if you wish, madam. Where can this scenario happen? In Heaven, silly, for the length of eternity. Wouldn’t that be kick-ass?? You can have that and more if you just follow Christ. Not what you’d expect from someone who follows God? You’d expect’m to say something boring and dry? I’m not from here, I’m not of this earth. Join me Upstairs, girl, where we’ll serve you for as long as necessary to make you VERRRY pleased. Just wanna share everything I write if you’ll lemme share everything with you in Heaven.
