Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bow Chika- OW OW?

1.please watch this before reading
2. This one is just as bad, even gross

Never have I been so incredibly outraged at a commercial in my life!!!
I was scanning looking for a commercial I had seen on TV the other day when I came across something much worse. If you had watched the video above, then you understand my rage. Not only does the Axe industry use women as advertisement but they objectify us beyond repair, they dehumanize us, belittle us, and cause men to only see us as objects. In the first ad I linked to, it even tells us to go against what mom says, and that she’d even want us to dress like a slut and have sex with that guy who smells good.
The commercials basically call any woman a slut, and give men outrageous expectations of women and the deodorant. If anything I think that the company should be sued for not only exploiting women but for also using false advertisement. By showing in the commercials that the second you spray on axe, women come flocking to you, throwing off clothes as they run and immediately jump in bed with you, there is no way around it; the commercials use false advertisement to attract young male customers. One of the axe commercials even went so far as to actually say “If you Spray, the Will come” and this commercial was undeniably addressed to young high school males.
I have yet to see a commercial for a women scent that treats men as animals and objects, and shows the woman in complete control. All I see is a woman attracting one man, and it gives the impression of a romance based relationship. No using men as chairs, or sex toys, or playthings. No treating men like objects, no dehumanizing the male, really, there is nothing as extreme as what is seen in the Axe body wash/hair/deodorant advertisements.
I named this blog Bow Chick a OW OW because this negative portrayal of women, really hurts us. It’s puts us back to square one in the struggle for equal treatment. And it’s essentially training young men to become womanizers. If we don’t do something to stop the portrayal of women in advertisements, then it’s only going to get worse. And on top of that, just being quiet is just as bad as being in the commercial yourself. And it’s not only Axe that’s doing this. Next time you turn on the T.V. just take the time to look at how women are portrayed in television shows and in advertisements. If we thought we came along way from the 50’s, think again. The only difference is that we are now encouraged to wear less clothing.


  1. Wow, those commercials were not what I was expecting. I've seen Axe commercials before, and while I've noticed that all of them have portrayed women as sex-crazed objects that can't control themselves, I never thought I'd see one go as far as to say "Even men we cannot stand have us eating from their hands. If you've got that aroma on, you can have our whole band."
    Not only does this commercial portray women as only having two personality types (the slut or the chaste girl), but it also shows that if a woman is having second thoughts about sleeping with a guy then she is considered a bland, boring, mama's girls, that needs to be changed; “But what would mother say?” “She’d say ‘break out those skimpy thongs and drop all those clichés.’”
    And, honestly, while I was watching this I was pretty grossed out by the singers. Of course I'm not a man, which is their target demographic, but I can still tell if a woman is attractive or not. And these women kind of scared me. What with their shiny bodies and terrifying facial expressions (which are obviously supposed to be sexy).
    They are all obviously trying to be seductive, and yet the only line that I laughed at was delivered by the only black woman in the commercial. With her one line, she is shown as being loud (she kind of yells her line) and not very sexy. She is even shown grinding with an ironing board, and even though the other women were seen with other appliances and objects, the black woman was the only one that looked like she was about to have sex with her object.

  2. maybe i have missed something, because the one i viewed with the goofy little guy dancing prior to his shower with AXE seemed to be a parody of the many forms we have seen "performed" or "portrayed" over the years....john travolta(sat. nite fever) those goof's from SNL, etc....i think the sad part of this is those young guys believe that a product is going to elevate them in the eyes of someone else....also, he needs to redecorate his house....what a silly low-rent attempt to be in the public eye....

  3. I was expecting these commercials to be that much about sex. I didn't think the first commercial was too bad because they were just dancing and looking "pretty" but it does set a bad image on women/teens. Now the second commercial was ridiculous. Now i know why I have never seen it, cause our country would never allow it on air.
