Thursday, January 22, 2009

Not Your Dream Girl

Well everyone has to start somewhere. So lets start with me.
I figure i'd start off with an introductory post on myself, so I can get used to the whole, blogging idea. After all, this is my first time.

Ok, I'm currently 18, turning 19 in the summer. I attend AACC and created this blog for the sole purpose of a class requiring it. But I think i'll have fun with this. When I say I am "Not Your Dream Girl" I mean that I am not, and will not be the girl you want me to be. I COULD, but I'm NOT GOING to. But other than that i'm sure I have alot of similiarities with my fellow Womyn. (Other than the only pair of shoes I like are my old torn up chucks, I won't spend more then $25 on a pair of pants, and I much rather sit at home making a bunch of T-shirts that no one else will have then going shopping at the mall for something that's "IN".) And while at times I don't mind dressing up, acting like an adorable little sweet heart, and playing up the role of "Girl", I'd much rather wear the same jeans for 3 days straight, Scrap in the bushes with the guys, and make lude and rude comments all day long.
I listen to Punk Rock, REAL PUNK ROCK! I hang out with both Men&Womyn. I say Womyn because I can. I like getting rough with people, it was kind of a problem growing up. I'm friendly, at times. I hate todays sense of Fashion. Give me 1977 and i'm set. I'd get along great with old perverted men, except my dad, because his jokes are just wrong.
I will more than willingly throw myself into a mosh pit at a punk show, so don't be alarmed if I walk into class with a black eye, I'm just at elbow level, that's all.
There's more to me, after all, i'm human, i'm very complicated yet simple at the same time.

Thats Just How I Am.
And as for what a woman should be? well lets just say that there are quite a few stereotypes i'm really not a fan of. In the media, like in advertisement, the woman would always be placed lower then the male, the male would most often be looking down on the female(don't you just love those subtle messages?) well as you can tell in my picture above, I am above the male in the photo, and I am above the stereotype in life. Women are supposed to be these quiet, softspoken, do-as-they're-told kind of figure, and I can never really remember a time in my life when I was quiet, or softspoken, or did as I was told. Probably the biggest thing I have in common with the woman stereotype is that I am indeed insecure, and I can also be rather seductive at times. But I will never stand down when a man, or a system, or even another woman tells me to. I will not meld to the ways of society's female, I refuse, because if we honestly believe in everyone as equals, then we need to start acting like we are equals. Another thing is fashion, I FAIL AT THAT! I can't dress myself, I can't spend money like its going out of style(not even in monopoly), I can't be bothered to worry about what I eat, I stab myself in the eye everytime I try and put makeup on, and the only kind of makeup I wear is chapstick and eyeliner!
In fact, all other makeup I own I use for art projects.
So I pretty much FAIL at being YOUR dreamgirl.
Sorry Darlings.
Find Some Other Blank-Slate Girl to control.